5 Reasons to get your workout Gear Right

There’s an awful lot of gorgeous sports and active wear on the market – we should know! We spent a long time getting our collection just right. However, exercise wear isn’t really like anything else that you wear.

Whether you’re an endurance athlete or just getting started, you need your kit
to work with your body. Wearing the right kit can also have a huge positive
psychological impact on your performance, removing the very last barrier
between your body and getting it moving.

Here’s our top 5 tips on how to dress for exercise. 

1. Stay dry

It might seem a bit technical and maybe a little over the top if you are just starting on your exercise adventure, but you are going to sweat much more and much more easily than you can imagine. Invest in breathable fabrics that wick, or take away, away moisture from your skin. This will help you to feel cooler and drier and generally less sticky. When you’re trying to give it your all, you don’t want to think about clingy clothes.

2. Strength training

You don’t have to spend the earth to get amazing workout clothes but it is highly likely that you will wash your clothes at the end of every workout session. Look for exercise wear that has good stitching and good material.

You may also to think about investing in a pair of gloves to save getting callouses on your hands once you start lifting heavier weights. I personally prefer leather gloves although they may take a few weeks to wear in.  I tend to lose mine before they need replacing and if you buy a good quality glove you can even put them in the washing machine on a short wash.  I tend to buy gloves that have a wrist wrap around so they can support my wrists when doing really heavy deadlifts, etc.

3. The great outdoors

If you’re going to be heading outside for a jog or a boot camp, make sure that your clothing gives you the protection that you need. While you may opt for sleeveless vests in the summer, opt for sleeves in the winter, no matter how hot you get.

Keep the cold weather at bay with layers of breathable tops, including a ventilated outer layer, that you can take off and put on as required. Remember to have a warm layer ready to pop on after. It’s tempting to cool down naturally but be kind to your body and don’t let yourself get too cold, too quickly. 

4. Comfort matters

You’re going to be working hard – the least you can do is to feel comfortable. Trainers that pinch, leggings that chaff, tops that gape are going to distract you and could even put you off future exercise. Remember, your brain is looking for any reason to get your body out of a session. Make sure that you feel confident and comfortable in what you are wearing – you’d be surprised at the positive impact it could have on your performance.

5. Moving and shaking

There’s a reason we don’t run in heels…. You need to exercise in clothes that are fit for purpose. You won’t master yoga poses or hit your first 5k in clothes that won’t let your body move as it needs to.

You are doing something amazing for your body, mind and soul – it’s only fair that you give yourself a fair chance and dress accordingly. Yes, that is total permission to treat yourself to something that’s going to help you get moving.

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